
<a href=" Liquid" class="display-item">Luminesce Liquid</a>

Luminesce Liquid

Category: Shards

Upon consuming the thick and colorful luminesce liquid your engulfed in a flurry of light- your mind is filled with color and wonder as the light slowly begins to dull, returning you to reality. Before the light is snuffed out you must focus on your markings, decide what you'd like to hold the light- allow for it to flow effortlessly through you. This event shard mutation allows for the addition of glowing patterns, which can appear in any color but cannot change between colors. 

<a href=" Salve" class="display-item">Preservation Salve</a>

Preservation Salve

Category: Shards

Once applied the preservation salve seems to freeze your wounds in time, visually fresh yet...healed. Detached limbs become preserved - never rotting, perilous wounds dry up and act as if they were not there. Though mortal wounds remain unaffected and would still end in the demise of a Zigzahi. This is not something even the salve could preserve.

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